As a driver, it is highly recommended that you shop around for auto insurance periodically to help ensure you get the best possible deals on premiums. After all, the same driver can possibly be charged more with one insurer than another. That’s mostly the case when you want to benefit from cheap car insurance.
No wonder it is typically important to compare car insurance quotes regularly to avoid overspending on your policy. While you’re always recommended to shop around for insurance at least once a year, certain circumstances can also call for the need to re-evaluate your options sooner.
In this quick guide, we examine some of the instances when you might require to shop for cheap car insurance.
Adding a New Driver
Adding a new driver to your insurance policy has the potential to impact your rates thus making it an ideal time to shop around for new policy, find better options, and avoid lapse in coverage. For example, insuring a teen driver can certainly be costly, and your rates can possibly increase on average.
The good news is shopping around will help ensure you find carriers offering good student and driver education discounts that can definitely reduce your premiums. It’s also ideal to shop around before your policy renews. Since auto insurance policies typically renew after every six to 12 months, you’re always recommended to compare quotes before your renewal date.
During a Relocation
When you change your residence, factors like where you’ll store your car and crime statics in the new location can affect your premium rates. If you find it a appealing to relocate from a Suburban neighborhood to a large metro area, then you should be more than ready to spend more on your car insurance policy.
Rates tend to change each year based on many factors. For this reason, at least once per year, you should take it upon yourself to get and compare car insurance quotes to ensure you aren’t overpaying for your policy.
Remember, shopping around for new insurers doesn’t necessarily have to be around your renewal date. You can still switch your insurance providers mid-way through your policy term as you so desire.