There are numerous Bank on Yourself misconceptions that could be derailing your quest of leveraging this strategy. In an attempt to find answers to burning questions, it is common for individuals to use Bank on Yourself reviews. Either way, it is mandatory that you understand the fundamental requirements on how to Bank on Yourself.
With the Bank on Yourself strategy, you need to ensure you are using a dividend-paying whole life insurance policy. One thing you ought to keep in mind is that the policy should have a “non-direct recognition” policy loan feature. With such a feature, you can use your money through a life insurance policy loan. The good news is it keeps on growing as though you have never placed your hand on it.
Moreover, the policy should be able to incorporate a flexible policy. That way, you can keep pace with any changes that might occur with your financial situation. Remember, there is no way you can reap maximum benefits from theBank on Yourself strategy if you are not an “honest banker”. No wonder you should strive to put the right measures in place before doing anything.
To pull this off successfully, you need to ensure you are relying on the services of a knowledgeable advisor. It is only then that you can understand how to use your policy through the years. This is precisely what you need when looking forward to maximizing growth while at the same time minimizing the taxes you will end up paying.
We can never conclude without mentioning the fact that you enjoy tax benefits when leveraging the Bank on Yourself strategy. The money in a Bank on Yourself-type policy grows without being taxed. And is everything goes as planned, you can withdraw retirement income from your policy without owing income tax on it. There’s also a death benefit that passes to your loved one or favorite charities, income tax-free.
Always take it upon yourself to research more about the Bank on Yourself strategy before you finally decide to use it to your advantage.