Saving on your auto insurance policy doesn’t have to be the sole reason behind your woes. In this modern day and era, there are numerous things you can do to lower you auto insurance policy. Aside from insurance quotes comparison, you can also take advantage of the different discounts available.
Among the most popular ones worth leveraging are affinity discounts. But before applying for affinity discounts, it pays off to understand what they entail in the first place. In this simple guide, we examine some of the different affinity discounts you should know about.
Employee-Based Discounts
Some employers take it upon themselves to negotiate bulk car auto insurance rates for their employees. If your does, you may be able to get a discount while working there. Bear in mind these discounts are tied to your employment and will most likely end if you’re no longer employed.
In the event that your employer does have an agreement with a given insurance company, it is still a good idea to shop around. Who knows, you might still be able to find a lower rate elsewhere.
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Profession-Based Discounts
Most leading auto insurance company’s offer perks for policyholders that work in a specific field. Exactly which professions qualify for savings tend to vary significantly, but teachers and first responders are often included.
Organizational Discounts
This type of auto insurance discount is available to members of specific organizations, the likes of which vary by insure. For instance, some insurance companies will give discounts to customers who have a AAA membership or an AARP card. Others may decide to give you a percentage off if you’re a member of an alumni association.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, the above affinity discounts will always come in handy when you want to save on your auto insurance policy. For those who want to undertake auto insurance quotes comparison online, then you should look no further than at Insurance Quotes. Working with the top insurance providers, Insurance Quotes will help you save time and money when comparing auto insurance quotes.